Artemisinin - extrakt z chinskiego ziola na 55 nowotoworw

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Artemisinin - extrakt z chinskiego ziola na 55 nowotoworw

Postprzez Crono5 » Cz sie 30, 2007 10:37 pm

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Amerykańscy naukowcy są na tropach lekarstwa niszczącego komórki rakowe, sporządzonego zgodnie ze starożytną chińską recepturą, odnalezioną przez archeologów - informuje pismo "Life Sciences".
Badania przeprowadzone przez bioinżynierów z Uniwersytetu w Waszyngtonie dowiodły dużej skuteczności działania nowego leku, który niszczy komórki rakowe. Receptura produkcji tego związku została opracowana już w starożytnych Chinach, ale dopiero XX- wieczne badania archeologiczne doprowadziły do ponownego jej odkrycia.
Prof. Henry Lai i prof. Narendra Singh, prowadzący od wielu lat badania raka piersi, zainteresowali się naturalnym lekiem produkowanym z piołunu (Artemisia annua L.), którego recepturę produkcji powtórnie odkryli archeolodzy w latach 70. naszego wieku. W starożytnych Chinach lek ten był stosowany przeciwgorączkowo w leczeniu malarii.
Artemisinin, po ponownym odkryciu w XX w., również jest stosowany w leczeniu malarii. Jego produkcja jest dużo łatwiejsza i tańsza od pozyskiwania chininy, alkaloidu występującego w korze drzewa chinowego.
Przeciwmalaryczne działanie artemisininu polega na wchodzeniu w reakcję z żelazem zawartym w plasmodiach, pasożytniczych pierwotniakach wywołujących chorobę.
"Komórki rakowe również potrzebują dużej ilości żelaza do reduplikacji DNA w trakcie procesu namnażania" - powiedział prof. Lai - "W rezultacie w komórkach rakowych występuje dużo większa koncentracja żelaza niż w komórkach zdrowych. Kiedy zrozumieliśmy zasadę działania artemisininu, zaczęliśmy zastanawiać się, jak można tę wiedzę zastosować do zwalczania komórek rakowych".
Dzięki dotacjom Breast Cancer Fund z San Francisco naukowcy z Waszyngtonu rozpoczęli badania wpływu starożytnego wyciągu z piołunu na pojedyncze komórki rakowe. Po zwiększeniu zawartości żelaza w pobranych komórkach nowotworowych zostały one potraktowane artemisininem. Po 8 godzinach pozostało jedynie 25 procent komórek, po 16 godzinach zginęły prawie wszystkie.
Dalsze testy na zwierzętach dały równie obiecujące wyniki, nowotwór kości u badanego psa został zniszczony w ciągu pięciu dni. Obecnie bioinżynierowie z Uniwersytetu w Waszyngtonie mają zamiar zbadać działanie artemisininu na komórki rakowe człowieka. "Miliony ludzi, które przyjmują ten lek przeciwko malarii są żywym dowodem, że jest to bezpieczne" - uważa prof. Lai.
"Najbardziej fascynujące jest to, że Chińczycy używali tego leku już tysiące lat temu. My jedynie znaleźliśmy jego inne zastosowanie" - powiedział prof. Henry Lai.

Źródło: PAP, 04.12.2001 r.

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This amazing herb was also examined for its activity against 55 cancer cell lines. It was found to be the most active against leukemia and colon cancer and active against melanomas, breast cancer, prostate cancer, CNS and renal cancer. It was also reported that artemisinin's effectiveness was comparable with other standard drugs used to combat cancer. As such, these results and the low toxicity of artemisinin had made this herb to be a potential for cancer chemotherapy.

(Efferth et al, Anti-Malaria Drug is Also active against cancer, Int'l Journal of Oncology, 18;767-773,2001.)


Although artemisinin could not be dissolved in water, it was able to cross the blood brain barrier. It might therefore be useful for curing brain tumors and other brain diseases.

During a recent experiment, an alkaloid of artemisia asiatica was metabolized to small molecules in the digestive tract and was passed through the blood brain barrier. The results showed that it could act as an acetylcholinesterase inhibitor with a blocker of neuroloxicity induced by a beta in human beings that caused AD.

(Heo et al, Inhibitory effects of Artemesia alkaloids on acetylcholine sterase activity from PC12 cells, molecule cells, Jun 30:10(3):253-262)

A "REAL" Cure for Cancer at Last?

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Artemisinin and its derivitives IS THE CURE FOR CANCER and there is every reason to believe this to be true. So what evidence is there to support this claim of mine? Plenty! What follows is a step by step progress report on the trials that have taken place in the last few years that demonstrates the truth behind that statement.

Rumours of the "cancer cure" had filtered through for a number of years in medical journals, but it was met with a certain amount of scepticism. It seemed just too good to be true. Even those who advocated alternative treatments were incredulous and cautious. Ralph W Moss in 2003 for example noted that of over 800 articles in PubMed, the National Library of Medicine's database, on the topic of artemisinin but only 29 of these relate to cancer. He further said that it was important to note that of the 29 PubMed articles on artemisinin and cancer, "the number of actual clinical studies (in humans or domesticated animals) is zero". [23] However, two years later, Moss would have read a news item that would have shown that his reservations regarding artemisinin were unfounded and that human trials were reported to have been very successful. The news item originated from the prestigeous University of Washington and described the work of two of there leading scientists.

2005 - The Story Breaks

The story really began in 1994 as the result of a telephone conversation. Henry Lai, bioengineering research professor of the University of Washington was discussing the new artemisinin anti-malarial drug with a colleague and was invited to view a paper concerning it. Upon reading it, Professor Lai, wondered if the drug could be used selectively to kill cancer cells because it was known that all cancer cells sequester iron just as the malaria parasite does. With this idea in mind, he began to pursue this line of resarch and aided by his colleague, Dr. Narendra Singh, Ph.D., M.D. and having obtained research funding from Breast Cancer Fund in San Francisco, he started his experiments.

The first experiments that Lai carried out was on human leukemia cells. The results were stunning. He found that there was a 100% destruction of these cells in only eight hours of introducing artemesinin to them. He assumed that this was due to the rapid cell division of this type of cancer and the very high concentrations of iron within the leukemia cells. These findings were reported in Cancer Letters 91 in 1995.

Professors Henry Lai and Singh of the University of Washington may have found the cure for cancer.
Lai's next step was to try the experiment on other cancer cells and so he initiated some test tube studies with breast cancer cells and the results was also astounding. The breast cancer cell experiment resulted in a 28% reduction of breast cancer cells treated only with artemisinin, and a staggering 98% decrease in breast cancer cells that were treated with artemisinin and an iron-enhancing molecule, transferrin, within 16 hours. These results become even more potentially important because the breast cancer cells used in the study were radiation resistant, a difficult situation to overcome. Furthermore, and highly sigificant, these same treatments had no significant adverse effects on normal human breast cells. This research had indicated the involvement of free iron radicals and the toxic effect of artemisinin toward cancer cells, while basically sparing healthy ones. [24]. The report of the experiement was published in 2001 in Life Sciences under the heading "Selective toxicity of dihydroartemisinin and holotransferrin toward human breast cancer cells".

Lai and Singh believed they were onto something extraordinary, but knew that though these results were encouraging, often test tube results do not carry over into animal testing, which was the next step. In 1995 they began experiments with rats. These rodents were implanted with cancer (fibrosarcoma) and given iron (ferrous sulfate) followed by a form of artemisinin (dihydroartemisinin) and there was a significant reduction in the growth rate of the implanted tumors of those rats that were treated with this combination treatment and those that were not. The researchers concluded in their abstract that "An artemisinin analog-ferrous salt combination may provide a novel approach for cancer therapy." [25]

The tests were expanded further by treating a dog that had bone cancer, which was so severe it could not walk across the room. Within five days of treatment with artemisinin the dog was able to walk normally, and X-rays confirmed the disappearance of the tumor. Further experiments with several dogs with lymphosarcoma had also been treated with artemisinin with an immediate reduction in tumor size. In all these canine cases, an iron supplement was used. It was clear that artemisinin in conjunction with an iron suppliment prior to treatment, cured cancer. It was a remarkable achievement by the two professors, and their findings concerning their experiments was finally disclosed to the public in the news media in 2001. This was the report that I had seen published by the BBC that triggered my investigation and the writing of this document.

Case Studies

Normally, at this point in research, the animal studies would be continued for several more years with toxicity studies and further studies proving the efficacy of the protocol. Then small human studies would be started, again determining the toxicity levels and efficacy. This whole process normally takes years to complete before the general public would have access to this new treatment. But artemesinin was different because it had been available and in use for 30 years to treat malaria and therefore the drug was considered generally safe and non-toxic. All that had changed was that the drug was now being used for a different disease. There was one problem that worried some doctors though. It is well known by physicians specializing in supportive nutritional cancer treatments that iron fuels cancer growth and so the concern was that giving cancer patients iron supplements before administering artemisinin would probably make things worse. Dr. Singh however quelled such fears by saying that cancers had invariably already sequestered enough iron so that, in his opinion, it would generally not necessary to take supplemental iron for the artemisinin to be effective. This became evident when Dr. Singh started treating several cancer patients in India without an iron supplement and had observed a positive response the treatment.

Once physicians realized they did not have to give their patients iron to potentiate the artemisinin, several physicians started their terminal cancer patients on low doses. As word traveled through the cancer network, many patients who had exhausted all other options also initiated self-treatment with artemisinin. All cases treated responded well to artemisinin treatment.

Breast Cancer
A woman with stage IV metastatic breast cancer has returned to work after four months of treatment with artemether. Two outstanding cases of breast cancer success were written up in Dr. Robert Rowen's article, "Chinese Herb Cures Cancer," in the May 2002 Second Opinion. One was a 47-year-old woman with stage-IV breast cancer with metastases to her spine, causing significant pain and limping. Various alternative therapies gave her some symptom relief, but no change was registered on her CT scan until a course of artemisinin was instituted. The other breast cancer case he writes of is a large, oozing cancer that cleared up in a month on artemisinin derivatives.

Prostate Cancer
Several cases of significant improvement of prostate cancer have been reported. One man from Belgium who started out with a PSA of 12, was able to drop his PSA down to under .38 within a short time. Another man with a PSA of 4 was able to drop it down to 2 in six weeks. He was then feeling so well he was able to go on a trip to South America and was able to ride on a bicycle again. Another man was able to lower his PSA from 7.8 to 1.9 in three weeks. A doctor was able to lower his PSA from 3 down to .45 in six weeks.

Pancreatic Cancer
A Canadian man with a pancreatic tumor and several liver tumors has been controlling his cancer for 15 months with artemisinin derivatives.

Brain Tumors
Several stories of improvement with brain cancer have reached the researchers. One young boy in New York who was confined to bed and unable to walk with a glioblastoma was able to get up and attend a sporting event within 10 days of taking artemether. A patient from Denmark, who had lost his hearing due to a brain tumor, regained it after a regimen of artemether. Another young boy has been doing well without surgery and radiation
( Tongue Tumor
A woman with a 5 cm tongue tumor, being fed through a feeding tube, had her tumor disappear and the feeding tube removed in less than two weeks on artemether.

Dr. Rowen's article also mentioned his success with a newly diagnosed case of lymphoma, manifesting as an egg-sized tumor on the left side of the man's head, which spontaneously cleared up two weeks after a two-week course of artemisinin derivatives. [26]

The International Journal of Oncology [27] reported that melanoma, breast, ovarian, prostate, renal and central nervous system cancers such as glioblastoma and neuroblastoma, all responded postively with artesminin. Likewise, the National Cancer Institute found that artemisinin was effective against 55 cancer cells that they tested with artemisinin's strong activity against drug resistant leukemia proved the most effective. The evidence of artemisinin and its derivitives as a cancer cure was mounting. In 2002, Cancer Letters 179 reported that artemisinin in conjunction with transferring overcame drug resistance in small-cell lung carcinoma cells. [28]

More Proof

Human leukemia cells. The cell in the center has been destroyed by the compound, which is engineered to sneak past a cancer cell's membrane, then release an artemisinin "bomb" once inside.
In 2004 it was announced by the University of Washington TechTransfer Office, that the university had signed a licensing agreement with Chongqing Holley Holdings, a Chinese company, and Holley Pharmaceuticals, its U.S. subsidiary. "We are very excited about the UW's discovery and an opportunity to develop an artemisinin-based cancer drug," Kevin Mak, chief scientist at Holley, said. "The technology is very promising, but it's in its early stages. Further research and clinical trials are needed." Holley Holdings, located in Chongqing, China, has been in the artemisinin business for more than 30 years, and is a world leader in farming, extracting and manufacturing artemisinin, its derivatives and artemisinin-based anti-malaria drugs, [29]

The press release showed a image of leukemia cells, showing the effects of a new artemisinin-based compound created by UW researchers and licensed to the Chinese company for development. The cell in the center had been destroyed by the compound, which is engineered to sneak past a cancer cell's membrane, then release an artemisinin "bomb" once inside. Professor Lai said that the most promising of the methods licensed involves the use of transferrin, to which the researchers bind artemisinin at the molecular level. Transferrin is an iron-carrying protein found in blood, and is transported into cells via transferrin receptors on a cell's surface.

Lai explained that iron-hungry cancer cells typically have significantly more transferrin receptors on their surface than normal cells, which allows them to take in more of the iron-carrying protein. That, according to Lai, is what seems to make the compound so effective. "We call it a Trojan horse because a cancer cell recognizes transferrin as a natural, harmless protein and picks up the tagged compound without knowing that a bomb -- artemisinin -- is hidden inside." Once inside the cancer cell, the iron is released and reacts with the artemisinin. That makes the compound both highly toxic and, because of cancer's rapacious need for iron, highly selective. Surrounding, healthy cells are essentially undamaged.

"Our research in the lab indicated that the artemisinin-tagged transferrin was 34,000 times more effective in selecting and killing the cancer cells than normal cells," Lai said. "Artemisinin alone is 100 times more effective, so we've greatly enhanced the selectivity." [30]

The News Releases from the University of Washington (2001 - 2006)

In December 2005 the University of Washington announced that "A derivative of the sweet wormwood plant used since ancient times to fight malaria and shown to precisely target and kill cancer cells may someday aid in stopping breast cancer before it gets a toehold. In a new study, two University of Washington bioengineers found that the substance, artemisinin, appeared to prevent the onset of breast cancer in rats that had been given a cancer-causing agent. "Based on earlier studies, artemisinin is selectively toxic to cancer cells and is effective orally," according to Henry Lai, "With the results of this study, it's an attractive candidate for cancer prevention." he said. [31]

In January 2006 further tests on rats confirmed the earlier findings regarding breast cancer. The researchers administered to rats a single oral dose of 7,12-dimethylbenz[a]anthracene, a substance known to induce multiple breast tumors. Half of the rats then were fed regular food, while the other half were fed food with 0.02 percent artemisinin added. For 40 weeks, the researchers monitored each group for the formation of breast tumors. Among the rats that didn't get artemisinin, 96 percent developed tumors. In comparison, 57 percent of the artemisinin-fed rats developed tumors. However, the tumors that did develop in the artemisinin-fed rats were both "significantly fewer and smaller in size when compared with controls." [32]

Treatment, Therapy and Precautions

As you can see from what I have presented here, there is considerable evidence to support my belief that a cure for cancer now exists. Dr. Singh talked for example about experiments using dihydroartemisinin where it was found to be very effective against leukemia, breast cancer, multiple myeloma, neuro blastoma, pancreatic cancer and prostrate cancer. The example of the pancreatic cancer patient was explained as the individual injecting themselves with artemisinin but most people took it orally in capsule form, which is the the preferred method and the most effective form of treatment. Injection is for people who can't or who are unable to take the powder.

As far as general therapy is concerned, absorption was critical for the sucess of the treatment! The usual dosage for artemisinin was 1 - 2mg per Kg of body weight for adults and .5mg per Kg of body weight for children. It is best taken on an empty stomach 3 - 4 hours after eating. The best time to take it is between 10pm. and 11pm ant night. The reason for this is because it takes at least three hours for artemisinin to be fully saturated in the blood of artemisinin and that during a normal sleep cycle, our bodies secrete growth hormones between 12am. and 1pm. This is the time cells in the body divide and grow in response to the growth hormones and it also the time cancer cells divide and grow the most. They are usually dormant during the day. Hence it is very important to take the artemisinin at night, on an empty stomach to have maximum effect during the time when cancer cell growth cycle and iron uptake is at its greatest. Interestingly, it has been found that low dose artemisinin will work more effectively than high dose. However, as Dr. Singh says, individuals can't force it to work. The body will only use what it needs.

Although artemisinin is known to be safe there are some precautions that must be adhered to. The most important one is that you MUST not take artemisinin if undergoing radiation treatment or at least 45 - 60 days after completing radiation therapy. The irradiated area picks up extra iron to repair DNA damage. If artemisinin is used during or immediately after radiation therapy, it will attack the normal cells trying to repair themselves.

Dr. Robert J.Rowen, MD reported in his newsletter Second Opinion for May 2002 on the remarkable success he and others have had using the herb Artemisia to treat cancer patients. For example, Dr. Hoang of Hanoi, whose family of physicians have used artemisinin for 10 years reported that he has had a 50-60% long term remission rate with 400 cancer patients when artemisinin was used with a comprehensive integrative cancer strategy. There are 3 common wormwood annua derivatives, with distinct properties. Artesunate is water soluble and may be the most active and least toxic, but it has the shortest life within the body. Artemether is is oil or lipid soluble and has the longest half-life and the highest toxicity, but that is related to the high dosages, which are not necessary. Its advantage is its ability to cross the blood brain barrier to reach cancers of the brain and nervous system. Artemisinin is the active parent compound of the plant. It has an intermediate half-life, is very safe and also crosses the blood brain barrier. Dr. Hoang reports that he has been using 500mg of oral artemesinin taken twice a day by itself with marked success.

Resistance Fears Delay Deployment of Cure

The cure for cancer and malaria are intertwined, and unfortunately, this has far reaching consequences. With respects to malaria, where artemisinin has been the primary directed towards for the last 20 to 30 years, there is a considerable fear that the drug will go the same way as other antimalarial drugs. In Thailand, for example sulfadoxine-pyrimethanime (SP) was initially almost 100% effective in curing malaria when introduced in 1977, but within five years was curing only 10% of cases due to parasite resistance to the drug. Likewise, the once-popular chloroquine has lost its effectiveness in almost every part of the world. Between 1999 and 2004, 95% of African children treated for malaria were given chloroquine, even though the drug only cured half of malaria cases in many countries. Resistance to atovaquone developed within one year of introduction in 1997. So the fear is that if artemisinin (or its derivitives) is given alone then the Malaria parasite may become resistant to that too. So the WHO in January 2006 has called for an immediate halt to provision of single-drug artemisinin malaria pills. According to the new WHO malaria treatment guidelines, uncomplicated falciparum malaria must be treated with ACTs (Artemisinin Combination Therapies) and not by artemisinin alone or any other monotherapy.

"So far, no treatment failures due to artemisinin drug resistance have been documented, but we are watching the situation very attentively, said Dr Arata Kochi, the newly appointed director of WHO's malaria department. We are concerned about decreased sensitivity to the drug in South-East Asia which is the region that has traditionally been the birthplace of anti-malarial drug resistance." [33]

Also, the WHO announced other measures it will take to maximize the benefits and correct use of ACTs. In order to contain the circulation and use of counterfeit antimalarial medicines, WHO plans to strengthen its collaboration with international and national health and regulatory authorities. It is estimated, they say, that up to 25% of medicines consumed in developing countries are counterfeit or sub-standard. In parts of Africa and Asia this figure exceeds 50%, according to a WHO report on counterfeit drugs.

While it is understandable to some extent that resistance to artemisinin by the malaria parasite is a possibility, with respects to cancer no parasites are involved. Consequently, this issue or resistance does not arise. Cancer are ordinary cells that have damaged DMA which causes them reproduce uncontrollably. Astonishingly, cancer’s resistance to common chemotherapy drugs shows no such resistance to artemisinin. This is because it does not have the chemical structure that a cancer cell requires to develop any kind of resistance! To replicate, cancer cells require more iron in order for the cells to divide, and so they MUST absorb the iron rich plasma containing ACTs, and by the time the cell detects artemisinin within, it is too late and they are destroyed. However, it is this fear of parasitic resistance that has been one responsible for the delay in the mass production and shipment of artemisinin alone and inevitably the availability of artemisinin for cancer treatment has been affected.

When is a Cure a Cure?

Breast Cancer "Prevention and Cure" Your Choice! by Fred Harding
(ISBN 1846851726)
In my book Breast Cancer "Prevention and Cure" Your Choice!, I provided substantial evidence to show the causes of cancer, and what preventive measures that can be taken that will stop people from succumbing to the disease. This involved cutting down our body burden of chemicals (which cause cancer), and to eat foods that do not inhibit the immune system, which unfortunately modern western foods do. I exposed the myth that saturated fats were bad for you when in fact they play a key role in our health. Likewise I demonstrated that exposure to sunshine was good, and that in the case of breast cancer, the restrictive practices of wearing garment such as the bra, played a key role in the suseptability for women getting the disease. The "Cure" in the title of the book therefore was the "Prevention", because if you prevent the disease then there is no need for a cure. This was a completely different and opposite methodology that the trillion dollar cancer industry had adopted. Their answer to cancer is to rely on the early detection of the disease and then to treat it as quickly as possible before it spreads using surgery,chemotherapy and radiation therapy. All of these orthodox treatments have very serious side-effects. And of course, such treatments are expensive.

Adriene, a lady from the United States purchased my book and she sent me an email. She said, "I've received your book and am finding it quite fascinating. While I haven't finished the book entirely, here is some early feedback that I hope you will find helpful: Title: As I understand it -- your thesis is that breast cancer can be prevented and that prevention is the real cure. However, I feel that your book's title is misleading in that women already afflicted with this dreadful disease will read the title and have false hope that you are presenting new treatment information that will cure them."

Herceptin - The "Cure" that Isn't
I have to admit that Adriene had a point. It certainly was not my intention to deceive anyone, but at the time of writing the book there was NO cure for cancer available, or at least one that had been publicised. What I mean by cure is exactly that. Someone had cancer and something is administered and the cancer growth is destroyed or prevented from spreading.

There is no cure that has been found with conventional medicine. Herceptin for example, touted to be a "cure" for breast cancer" is not a cure - far from it. This erroneous idea originated with the thoughtless remark of Dr. Jo Anne Zujewski head of breast-cancer therapeutics at the US government's National Cancer Institute. Following three studies she exclaimed, " In 1991, I didn't know that we would cure breast cancer and in 2005, I'm convinced we have." Before the words had left her lips, the Associated Press spread the "Herceptin Cure" around the world and it was in countless newspapers, such as the Sunday Times in London of 20th October 2005. It declared, "Breast Cancer Is 'Cured' By Wonder Drug, Say Doctors". However, the truth of the matter was the studies were far from perfect and certainly did not suggest a "cure" as had been touted by the media.

One study for example that was described in the New England Journal of Medicine (20th October 2005) looked at the incidence of breast cancer recurrence in 5081 women who had already undergone surgery, followed by either chemotherapy or radiation treatment. After the first year there were 127 breast cancer recurrences in those treated with Herceptin and 220 in those who received a placebo. This may look impressive, but remember despite those having received the drug 127 had a reoccurrance of breast cancer. Hardly a cure! Likewise, the other two studies, looked at Herceptin as a companion to a drug called paclitaxel and chemotherapy. Three-year survival was 94.3% for those who receiving Herceptin, 91.7% for those who were not. Of Herceptin recipients, 90% had no distant spread of their cancer compared to 84% of women on paclitaxel and chemo alone. Those are significant differences. But again, 6% of the "cured" women had died within three years of taking the drug. [34]

There is no cure from alternative medicine either. The claim of Dr Hulda Clark for example, who said that she could cure cancer by destroying a parasite that she said was the cause of cancer was proved to false, as I have shown. So when I published my book in April 2006 there was no cure from any source - conventional or alternative. There was only one solution and that was not to get the disease in the first place, in otherwords PREVENTION. However, that did not stop me looking for the elusive cure and so I continued to research into this for my forthcoming book Cancer "Cause, Prevention and Cure", and in the process stumbled on the cure by accident as I have related here. I am sure you will agree that what I have presented in his document does point to artemisinin being the cure that has been sought for so long. But if this is so, why is it that this cure has not had the same impact on the media as the hype surrounding Herceptin? The answer is quite simple. It is has been, out of necessity, kept under wraps for reasons I shall now explain.

Why " THE CURE" is Not Common Knowlege?

There is NOW a cure for Cancer. It has been tested and proved in laboratory tests, animal experiments and in some human test cases, so why is this cure not known to the majority of people? The answer is because if the news got out of the cure, the fear is that it would lead to a chaotic free-for-all, as desperate sick or dying victims of cancer and malaria, slog it out to get the limited supply of artemisinin that is currently available. In fact, I am sure that I will be accused of irresponsible behaviour for devulging what I have, but I think you should know the truth and what is going on out there in the big world.

I implore everyone to keep calm, because within the next decade there will be adequate supplies of artemisinin to go round. Let me explain the situation so you are aware of the big picture. At the moment artemisinin and its derivatives are manufactured from crops of the wormwood annua plant that is grown in China, Vietnam and a few other places. There are no large scale crop production of the crop elsewhere, which means that the raw material for making artemisinin come from those countries. As it stands, today there is not enough artemisinin to go round even if is only earmarked for malarial patients. Drug companies in Switzerland and India say they cannot get enough at any price, and blame is being directed at all corners.Mr. Lalvani, the Global Fund procurement specialist, said the refiners stopped selling this summer, "waiting for the prices to stabilize or go higher." It seems that greed has reared its ugly head. Pradeep Nambiar, an executive at Ipca Laboratories, an Indian company, said that its Chinese suppliers had reneged on contracts and that he believed they could be "holding back stock anticipating a price rise." [35]

Alas, as is always the case, when there is a demand for a product, the temptation to cash in on this and make vast profits is all embracing, and China is no exception to the parody of human greed. Hence the price of artemisinin tripled in 2005 and the price continues to rise. This state of affairs has also encouraged counterfeiters to flood the world especially via the Internet with products claiming to be the real mac'Coy - except many are fakes. However identifying what is real and what is not is a nightmare and not for the feint hearted. Their is a genuine need for international controls to be put into place to ensure that any product that claims to contain artemistine or its derivivitives is what it claims to be. But that is going to take time. What all this means is that the supply of artemisinin for cancer treatment has become a low priority and that is a tough pill to swallow by any account.

Wormwood annua crop growing in China. But it is not enough to supply the world demand for malarial ACTs, let alone cancer treatments.
With demands for artemisinin stretched to the limits for the ever increasing demand for anti-malarial solutions, you can now imagine what would happen if it became known publicly that the same drug can be used to cure cancer. The flood would become a tidal wave, and it would be dog eat dog to get hold of it. Chaos would prevail on the world markets and prices would most certainly rise accordingly as people endeavour to cash in on this new source of profit. It is therefore my personal opinion that this is why the general public have not heard much about artemisinin. With China currently the supplier of artemisinin, western companies not wanting to be tied down by this single source of supply are urgently seeking alternatives - synthetic alternatives. So the word is keep the news low profile, stretch it out for as long as is possible while a synthetic substitute is made. Don't make a splash! So we find that even the place where Professor Lai and Singh operate from, the University of Washington, is keeping a low profile and has put on their website the following notice:

"IMPORTANT NOTE: The Department of Bioengineering and University of Washington do not advocate the use of artemisinin to treat cancer. The US Food and Drug Administration does not currently approve the use of artemisinin for the treatment of any disease. Research on artemisinin and cancer is still in very early stages. Human use of artemisinin should be considered experimental and taking artemisinin or any other drug should be approached with extreme caution and responsibility." [36]

It is interesting to note from the aforementioned notice that "The US Food and Drug Administration does not currently approve the use of artemisinin for the treatment of any disease". This suggests that artemisinin for malaria is not approved either, even though the use of artemisinin for that purpose has probably saved a million or more malarial victims and the drug has been found to be safe to use. What about the cancer industry? Surely they should be elated by the news of artemisinin, but there is hardly a whimper. For example, take a look at the American Society website and you will find these words under an article entitled wormwood: "Some derivatives of Artemisia annua (sweet wormwood, a relative of Artemisia absinthium) have been shown to be effective in the treatment of malaria. In fact, the World Health Organization approved artemisinin, which must be used with another drug, for use against malaria in Africa in 2004. These extracts also show promise in lab studies as cancer treatment drugs. Further studies are required to find out if the results apply to people. It is important to remember that extracted compounds are not the same as the whole herb, and study results are not likely to show the same effects." In fact most of the ACS article discusses wormwood absinthium and not wormwood annua, which is only mentioned in passing. [37]

Looking at other cancer organisations dedicated to "finding a cure of cancer", where artemisinin is concerned, a deathly silence prevails. It is as if they have never heard of it before. Even Breast Cancer Action, who originally financed Lai and Singh, do not mention the drug. Little wonder then that the public remain ignorant of artemisinin. So without FDA approval in the USA, and with the health services of other countries also not supporting artemistinin for cancer use at the present time, cancer victims will have to wait until an alternative solution can be found - the mass produced synthetic version. Of course once the synthetic product has been created you are going to hear all about it and "Artemisinin - The Cancer Cure" will really really be everyone's lips. But we are talking about five or more years from now before asynthetic solution is found, assuming that there will be one. Then the mass market machine will get into action and the drug companies will be able to discard their Herceptins and turn their attention of making money from the new wonder drug. So it is sit back and wait, keep quiet and announce the news when the super drug is ready. So what progress, if any, is there concerning the synthetic substitute of artemisinin?

Waiting for a Synthetic Substitute

The research and development of a sythetic artemisinin substitute is well under way. In 2004, a $42.6 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was made to the Institute for OneWorld Health. This is the first nonprofit pharmaceutical company in the United States and its mandate is to develop a syntheic affordable, replacement for artemisinin that is currently derived from the natural wormwood annua plant. The research is headed by Chemical engineering professor Jay Keasling, working in conjunction with the University of California, Berkeley. The partnership will utilize a high-technology solution that Keasling has been working to bring down the cost of treatment to well under a dollar, a price more affordable for patients in developing countries. "This is an extraordinary partnership between public and private institutions that combines cutting-edge science with a commitment to affordability and accessibility for those people in need," said Regina Rabinovich, M.D., M.P.H., director of infectious diseases at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. "I hope that UC Berkeley's participation will serve as a model for other academic institutions to apply their scientific knowledge and resources to critical global health problems."

To ensure affordability, UC Berkeley has issued a royalty-free license to both OneWorld Health and Amyris, of Albany, Calif., to develop the technology for malaria treatments. In exchange, Amyris will produce the drugs at cost, and OneWorld Health will perform the detailed non-clinical regulatory work that will be required by United States and other global agencies to allow the low-cost, microbially-based product to be substituted for plant-based product by manufacturers of combination drugs containing artemisinin.

Extraction of artemisinin from the wormwood plant is labour intensive and, in some developing countries, it is produced by a diesel fuel purification process that may retain toxic impurities in the final drug product. UC Berkeley will complete development of the synthetic process and maximize production of artemisinic acid, a precursor to artemisinin. The breakthrough technology that makes all this possible was developed by Keasling and his UC Berkeley team over the past 10 years. It involves extracting the genes from the wormwood plant and then inserting them into laboratory microbes to build bacterial for the drug. [38] The process is called "Synthetic Biology".

The researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, led by Jay Keasling, are developing procedures for producing precursors to the drug in Escherichia coli and then completing the synthesis chemically. This approach is expected to provide a cheap, stable, and alternative source of artemisinin, which now is produced from the wormwood plant, Artemesia annua. Although an E. coli-based system offers several advantages, partial synthesis of artemisinin in bacteria is a complex process that requires at least 12 new genes to build the metabolic pathway into E. coli. So far, the team have only successfully transferred nine genes to generate amorphadiene, a key precursor of artemisinin. From two to four more genes still are needed to convert amorphadiene into artemisinic acid, according to protein chemist Kinkead Reiling, acting president of Amyris. Once extracted and purified from E. coli, artemisinic acid will still need to be modified chemically to yield artemisinin. The additional genes needed in the bacteria for making artemisinic acid from amorphadiene will come from the wormwood plant. There is still a long way to go before UC Berkeley will have an artemisinin substitute. Would it not be more sensible, I aks, to encourage farmers to grow wormwood artemisinin from which artemeisinin is easily extracted? It makes more sense to me.

One consortium, a non-profit public private partnership has already claimed to have made an artemsinin substitute. The scientists behind the synthetic version of the artemisinin drugs come from the University of Nebraska in the US, Monash University in Australia, the Swiss Tropical Institute, and the Swiss drugs group Roche. Dubbed OZ-277, the drug has entered clinical trials but those trials are focused upon malaria, and not cancer. [39] Even if found successful against the malaria parasite, there is no guarantees that it will be effective against cancer.

So, as cancer victims wait for a synthetic version of artemisinin which is still some years ahead, they must be wondering, as I am, why wormwood annua is not grown in other areas of the world as a cash crop. This seems the sensible solution. It would be good for farmers, good for the environment and good for malaria and cancer victims. So what is the problem?

The Real Solution to the Artemsinin Shortage

We can see that synthesizing artemisinin has as yet not been accomplished and there are no guarrantees that it can be done. In reality therefore, the real solution to the problem is to grow wormwood annua everywhere it can be grown and I wonder, and this is my personal opinion, would not the money money earmarked for OneWorld health have been better spent in promoting the growing of artemisinin to farmers, buying up land and buiding local chemical extraction units to extract the artemesinin on the crop sites. As I have said earlier, currently, most of the cultivation, extraction and synthesis for the production of the drugs takes place in China and Vietnam, where the Artemisia plant is grown on a large scale. Artemisinin production is also beginning in Tanzania and India but full-scale production will take time. Yet the plant does grow as a weed in other countries including Argentina, Bulgaria, France, Hungary, Romania, Italy, Spain, the United States, and the former Yugoslavia What needs to be done is for these countries to encourage farmers, by whatever means at their disposal,to grow the plant enmasse, and as soon as possible. Until this is done, the demand for artemisinin will sour and so will the prices. This means that cancer sufferers will pay the ultimate penalty for the lack of supply - their lives. Farmers should take note that growing this plant not only means that they have a viable cash crop for a long time to come, but also share in the knowledge that what they are growing will save countless lives of malaria and cancer victims. Indeed, since is cancer growing as such an alarming rate, they could even be saving their own lives. So if growing wormwood annua on a mass scale is the answer, then why is it not being done. Can it be that the drug companies want it that way so they can create a synthetic substitute and therefore make lots of money. And they are not the only ones.....

Watch Out - Organised Crime is About

It is bad enough when there is not enough supplies of artemisinin to go round, but it becomes even worse when organised crime gets into the act and this they have done on a massive scale. Unless you purchase artemisinin from a reputable company with an audit trail leading to the crop source, the chances are you are going to get a counterfeit drug. Dr. Paul Newton of Oxford University studies fake pharmaceuticals and he recently examined a random sample of artesunate sold throughout the Southeast Asian countries of Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, and Myanmar. He says that, "about half of the artesunate contained no active ingredient. So, logically, if malaria is a public health problem in Southeast Asia and is potentially fatal, if people are taking these drugs that contain starch and chalk, they're very unlikely to survive their malaria infection." Of course there are no exact figures on how many people have died because they've taken counterfeit artesunate, but as far as Paul Newton is concerned one thing is certain, Counterfeit anti-malarials have become big business.

"In one shop, a hundred thousand fake artesunate were offered for sale. So they're not being produced in somebody's kitchen. They're produced on an industrial scale. And if organized crime is involved, which seems very likely, then that makes it much harder to do anything about." He says that the counterfeits are becoming more and more sophisticated even down to the hologram on the packaging. He showed a mixed collection of genuine and the counterfeit artesunate to six eminent [/url] professors of medicine, and they all got them wrong. It is very difficult to tell the real from the fake. Newton says the small Chinese company that makes genuine artesunate doesn't have the resources of giant western drug firms to fight the counterfeiters. So he says governments and international organizations must step in and quickly, before this illegal trade makes malaria even deadlier than it already is.

In a laboratory at the Georgia Institute of Technology, in Atlanta, Dr. Facundo Fernandez also analyses fake artesunate. Doctors from around Southeast Asia have sent him hundreds of samples to test. He has fond that counterfeiters are now adding small doses of real artesunate to the fakes. Dr. Fernandez suspects that the counterfeiters are trying to fool chemical tests which are now widely used in Southeast Asia. He says this new development could trigger a public health disaster, because if malaria patients take fake drugs that contain traces of the real drug, the real drug could lose its effectiveness.


In this investigation I have travelled to the battlefields of Vietnam, become immersed in the political upheavals of China, visited an ancient chinese tomb and documented the incredible discovery of artemisinin, the derivitive of the wormwood annua plant. This substance has already saved the lives of over a million malaria sufferers, and now from the evidence herein presented, it also has been found to be very effective against a wide range of cancers. Is this the cure that has been sought for so long? I certainly believe it is and Dr. Singh evidently has no doubts about it.

Dr. Singh, in a personal communication with Robert Jay Rowen, MD reported that he has been following a series of cancer patients and says that he has nearly universal improvement on artemisinin or its derivatives. Singh believes artemisinin will prove to be the most powerful, yet extremely inexpensive and safe, chemotherapeutic agent yet found, and effective orally for home use. However, all involved in the treatment of cancer with artemisinin agree that it should only be used in a professional atmosphere together with complementary strategies employing detoxification, diet, immune support, spiritual work, etc. This use of complementary strategies and professional supervision cannot be emphasized enough, they say especially since long term use of artemisinin and/or its derivatives for cancer treatment has had little study. These recommendations support those described in my book Breast Cancer "Prevention and Cure" Your Choice!. By adhering to the the immune building strategy I have outlined in in the book that involves eating the right foods, skin exposure to the sun and for women, not to restrict the lymphatic system of their breasts with a bra, all adds to the opportunity for a complete cure of the disease or at least to long-term remission. For example, the Hoang medical family for the last ten years have used artemisinin in combination with several other herbs to treat cancer. They report that they have seen a 50-60% long-term remission in over 400 cancer patients utilizing artemisinin together with a comprehensive cancer strategy, and with no observed toxicity. The efficacy of the artemisinin compound, they say, is very impressive for the treatment of breast cancer. Doses of 300 mg of artemisinin twice per day were found to be adequate for treatment, when used with other herbs and immune building strategies.

So, from what I have presented here, do you share my belief that there is now a cure for cancer? I most certainly believe that artemisinin will be hailed as the cure within five years but remember, you read it here first. Even so, there is something better than a cure - and that is prevention. If you don't get the disease because you have made lifestyle changes following my suggestions in my book, then you will not need a cure. It is chemicals (and radiation) that cause cancer, and your lifestyle that will dictate whether or not you will get the disease, but at least now you know that if your dignoses you with cancer, there is the hope that it can be cured thanks to artemsinin. May you live long and prosper!

© Copyright Fred Harding
Author and Historian.
NOTES AND REFERENCES [1] Hulda Regehr Clark, "The Cure for all Disease",, (New Century Press, 1995)
[2] Ibid;
[3] Ibid;
[4] Hulda Regehr Clark, "The Cure for all Cancers",, (New Century Press)
[53] Ibid;
[6] BBC News, Chinese remedy 'may fight cancer's, (28 November, 2001)
[7] Neil A Campbell, Biology, (Seventh edition. Menlo Park, CA: Addison Wesley Longman, Inc. 2005 )
[8] BM Greenwood, K. Bojang, CJ Whitty, GA Targett Malaria, (Lancet 365: 1487-1498. PMID 1585)
[9] Kevin Hull, Malaria: Fever Wars, (PBS Documentary 2006)
[10] Layne P Scoot, M.D,Principles of Infectious Disease Epidemiology / EPI 220, (UCLA Department of Epidemiology)
[11] Various entries in the WikipediaVietnam War, Cultural Revolution, The Great Leap, (Wikipedia)
[12] Who discovered Artemisinin, (ETDZS Industry)
[13] The Wellcome TrustA present from Chairman Mao, (The Wellcome Trust)
( ... arte1.html)
[14] S Wijesinha,Ancient Chinese medicine cures malaria, (Bangkok Post, June 13, 1995: 33.)
[15] IRIN In-Depth,Artemisinin: the new drug that cannot afford to fail, (Bangkok Post, June 13, 1995: 33.)
In early 2004, an article appeared in the prestigious international medical journal the Lancet accusing the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) and the World Health Organization (WHO) of medical malpractice in malaria treatment. Its authors, some of the most highly respected scientists in the malaria field, berated the two organisations for continuing to accept and fund country proposals that included the use of ineffective antimalarials, such as chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethanine (SP). (
(All IRIN material may be reposted or reprinted free-of-charge; refer to the IRIN copyright page for conditions of use. IRIN is a project of the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs.) [16] BBC News,Malaria drug gets recommendation, (BBC News. 30 August 2005.)
[17] Elizabeth Wright, Through the Looking Glass: WHO:Taxpayers Won’t Get Fooled Again - An Exposé on the World Health Organization, (CAGV special report)
( ... docID=1521
#search=%22artemisinin%20%20politics%20who%22) [18] Jeremy Laurance, Health Editors, World Bank accused of lying over funding to fight malaria, (The Independant 19 August 2006.)
( ... 359977.ece) See Also BBC Report (
[19] David McAlary, Iron Supplements Can Make Children with Malaria Sicker, (13 January 2006.)
[20] Reuters Health, Too much dietary iron a cancer risk for some, (6th April 2005.)
( ... ticle=5002)
[21] Xenova Group Ltd, TransMIDTM (XR311),
[22] Steve Dow, Iron may be key to child cancer battle, (24th July 2003)
[23] Ralph Moss, A Friendly Sceptic Looks at Artemisinin, (5th September, 2003)
[24] Narendra P. Singh*, Henry Lai Selective toxicity of dihydroartemisinin and holotransferrin toward human breast cancer cellsn, (Life Sciences 70 {2001))
( ... cancer.pdf)
[25] Narendra P. Singh*, Henry Lai Oral administration of dihydroartemisinin and ferrous sulfate retarded implanted fibrosarcoma growth in the rat, (Cancer Letters 98 {1995} 83-87))
[26] Christina L. White Cancer Smart Bomb, (2002 Brewer Science Library, excerpted from New Horizons, Summer 2002 issue)
[27] The anti-malarial artesunate is also active against cancer, International Journal of Oncology, 18 {2001} 267-773)
[28] Transferrin overcomes drug resistance to artemisinin in human small-cell lung carcinoma cells, Cancer Letters 179 {2002} 151-156)
[29] Rob Harrill UW licenses potential cancer treatment derived from ancient Chinese folk remedy , Science and Tech News, University of Washington. (14th October 2004)
[30] Ibid;
[31] Rob Harrill Ancient Chinese remedy shows potential in preventing breast cancer , Science and Tech News, University of Washington. (19th December 2005)
[32] Rob Harrill Malaria drug may help prevent breast cancer, study shows , Science and Tech News, University of Washington. (13th January 2006)
[33] The World Health Organization, WHO calls for an immediate halt to provision of single-drug artemisinin malaria pills, (January, 2006.)
( ... 6/pr02/en/) [34] Michael Fumento, Breast Cancer and Herceptin Hype, (Scripps Howard News Service, November 3, 2005 )
[35] New York Times (November 2004) , Plant Shortage Leaves Campaigns Against Malaria at Risk
[36] University of Washington Notice,
( ... sinin.html)
[37] Wormwood, (American Cancer Society, 22nd March, 2006 )
( ... tearea=ETO)
[38] Robert Sanders, Synthetic biology: A new tool to fight malaria, (13 December 2004. UC Berkeley )
( ... =11&aid=36)
[39] Amanda Yarnell, Malaria Drug Design on a Dime, (23 August, 2004 )

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